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I'm a first generation Indo-Canadian, born and raised in the Nation's Capital - Ottawa, ON.

I am obsessed with lists, organization and maximizing results. I would describe myself as a type A problem solver, others might call me crazy.

In my life I wear many hats, but some of my most treasured titles are wife (to my husband, Chris) and step-mom/mom (to my son, Logan and daughter, Lina).

This blog has been in the works for years - and by that I mean I've started multiple times and always found a reason why I should stop. As a recovering perfectionist, there will ALWAYS be a reason why it's not the right time to put myself out there, but I was done with making those excuses.


I created For Goodness' Saikali with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind and to breathe more goodness into the world. It will not be perfectly curated, but it will be raw and honest.  

Take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and please reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together. 

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© For Goodness' Saikali | Lydia Saikali 2020. All rights reserved.

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