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A letter to my daughter

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

My dear, sweet girl,

I’m writing this as your Daddy, Evee and I are settled in watching football (something your Dad is hoping you will one day join us in doing). Meanwhile, you’re having a dance party in my belly. Your Daddy thinks this means that you will be a sporty kid — something he is praying for desperately. You see, my girl, we already have so many hopes and dreams for you. But knowing you are half of your Dad and half of me, I already know we are not going to have an easy time trying to convince you of anything.

And yet as excited as we are for your arrival, we aren’t the only ones impatiently waiting. Your big brother, Logan, and your Grandparents (all four of them!) are equally as anxious. You see, your Daddy, Logan, Evee and I have been a little unit for the last 6 years. Your Daddy and I decided we would only add to our family once we got married — and then it took a little longer than we expected. You see, my darling, your ultrasounds were not the first ones that we would experience as parents. And although my heart still aches for that baby, I truly believe that we needed to experience that loss in order to truly appreciate you and what your arrival would mean for the little family we created.

You see, these past 7 and a half months have not always been easy for your Mama. The first couple of months I was so worried about losing you too. But with every milestone we reached, you became that much more real and I allowed myself to fall deeper and deeper in love with you. I still remember the first time I felt you flutter. It didn’t feel real — was that just gas? These days you are definitely making your presence well known and this is something I hope that you continue to embrace as you grow into the young lady and then woman I know you will become. Don’t ever be afraid to take up space and to speak your mind, sweetheart — you are, and always will be, your Mother’s daughter.

As I write this, you still have many more weeks to go — something you have already started to teach me are patience and surrendering. I will not lie that these lessons have been easy for me. Your Mama is not a patient or go with the flow type of woman. So thank you, my sweet girl, for teaching me these lessons — they will help me be a more well-rounded woman and mother for you.

Rest up, my baby. The world you are coming into is big and beautiful but also very loud and scary, at times. But don’t you worry — you are going to have an army of people who will be here to hold your hands and teach you how to be brave. I know that there will inevitably come a time where we have to let you spread your wings and forge your own path. My hope is that we will have raised you to trust yourself and know that no matter what life throws at you, you are brave, strong and resilient. Nothing would make us more proud than to know that you have created a life that is yours and that is true for you.

As we count down the days to your arrival, I am secretly cherishing the time that it’s just you and I. As uncomfortable as it sometimes is to have you kick my ribs, I know that these moments of just you and I will be few and far between when you are on the outside of my body — your Nana is going to take every opportunity she can to hold and cuddle you. You see, you are her first grand-baby and as excited as I am about your arrival, she is next level. I can’t wait to see the bond you two create.

So here’s to you, my baby girl. We’ll soon be meeting face-to-face — can you believe it? I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for anything in my life.

All my love,


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