The time has finally come to say goodbye, my friend. I had thought about how hard this day would be but I couldn’t have imagined that it would hurt even more than I envisioned.
Today I had to make the decision. The decision that no pet owner ever wants to make but knows in their heart that it’s the last gift that you will ever give to them - the gift of dignity. As much as I would have done or paid any amount of money in this world to keep you alive, I know that the life you would have lived would not have been enough for you. It gutted my heart to see the spirit leave from your eyes and be replaced with a dull light of the dog you once were - and even then I know that you were putting on the bravest of faces because that’s the kind of dog you were, always my protector.
Where do I even begin to tell you how much you meant to me?

You were my first baby. I remember our trip back to our first home (my old apartment) like it was yesterday. I was so excited and terrified at the same time because you were so small and helpless. Your daddy made fun of me because I sat with you in the back seat on the car ride home and, because he wouldn’t let you sleep in the bed (a battle that he would lose the following week), when I slept with you in the living room because I didn’t want you to be alone.

And you returned the favour by never leaving me alone either. Over the last 7 years you have seen me through some of the best and worst days of my life - always there to offer comfort and love. Whenever I was having a hard time and needed to stay in bed, you were right there with me (normally on my pillow so you could be extra close). When I’d leave the house without you, you would let everyone know your displeasure (even when Logan and your daddy were still home so you shouldn’t have been so upset) and then you would be right there to greet me when I got back - even when I was only gone for a few minutes because I had only gone out to get the mail.

I think I will miss that the most - seeing your little face in the window and the dance you would do because you knew we didn’t want you to jump up but you just couldn’t contain your excitement. But it is also a toss up to the joy I would see in your eyes and the way your ears would perk up when I said the magic word - Evee, you want to go for a WALK?!

I will miss our great adventures that no one else in our family would accompany me on. Those were mommy and Evee adventures and I always knew that it didn’t matter how long or far I had decided we were going to go, you were always down for it. I will miss these adventures more than anything in this world.

You had the most lovable nature that people couldn’t help but fall in love with. Everyone you met was greeted and made to feel like they were your best friend. And those friends you did make, even after months or years of not seeing them, you didn’t forget them and would make them feel welcome into our home. We always joked that you were a terrible guard dog for this very reason - someone would just have to pet you and you would let them steal anything they wanted. But it didn’t matter because it was that lovable nature that made you the most amazing companion and friend.

You’ve taught me so many lessons but I think the biggest one was how to love selflessly and without conditions. There was absolutely nothing that I wouldn’t do for you - even if that meant sacrificing my own happiness. Seeing your smiling face with that tongue hanging out brought me the joy that I’ve come to learn is what parents feel when they see their child make the same face (possibly with or without the tongue hanging out). Your joy was my joy.

For all the pain and grief that our family feels right now, I hope that you felt loved and cared for. I hope you know how much we loved you. You were such an important part of our family that I can’t even remember a time before you. You were more than a dog to us; you were a member of this family and the pain of losing you is one that we will never truly get over.
You will forever hold a special place in our lives and our hearts. We will love you forever, Evee, the littlest Habibs.