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How to create a life you love

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Originally posted on



The other day, my partner Chris and I were talking about what we would do if we won the lottery. Chris began first, and obviously had put a lot of thought into what he would do with himself and our life should we win. But when it was my turn to answer, I simply said I would invest the money and wouldn’t quit my job.

Had I been answering this question four years ago, before I began working at my current job, I would have given anything to win the lottery and say goodbye to my 9-5 prison. Maybe it sounds familiar…

Counting down the minutes until I could leave the office.

Setting multiple alarms to get myself out of bed and out the door. 

Leaving work drained and defeated. 

Talking with anyone and everyone about how miserable being at work made me. Forgetting the things that I loved.

Forgetting to take care of myself.

I was stuck. Stuck in a mindset that things could not get better. Making excuses for why I couldn’t leave – money, the job market. Becoming a supporting character in my own story.

The worst part of it all is that I wasn’t alone. Everywhere I looked people were miserable with their jobs.

“Maybe this is what being an adult is all about?”

“Who really loves their job?”

“Maybe I just need to get used to it?”

Maybe you’ve also reached this point and have become complacent that things cannot get better. I’m here to tell you that you deserve to live a life you love and here’s how you get it.

Quit the job you hate

The key to living a life you don’t need to escape is living each day with intention. This is especially important in what you choose to do for work. Find out what makes you happy at your core. If you’re doing something you wake up every day dreading, ask yourself, “why am I doing this?” and find something that makes you leap out of bed to begin your day.

Stay positive

Negative people have a way of sucking the life out of anything and everything they come into contact with. It’s easy to fall into a negative mindset when you aren’t doing things that you love. You should always be mindful of the energy you bring into a room and if it’s not positive, find out why and make a change. Positive things come to positive people!

Get reacquainted with your inner child

Think back to when you were small. What did you spend your time doing? For me, I used to spend hours drawing and writing. So to get back to simpler times, I accepted a call for writers for this blog. Find what you used to love doing and bring that back into your life; your inner child will thank you.

Don’t forget about your friends

Friendships are good for your soul and just like any relationship, they require nurturing. This can be as easy as calling up a friend when you take your dog for a walk or chatting on your way into work. Scheduling weekly lunches or girls nights out. Make the time for the people who helped get you where you are today – they’re worth it.

Take care of yourself

This should go without saying, but as women, we often need to remind ourselves that our happiness is strongly correlated to how much we take care of ourselves.


Whether it’s scheduling time to get your nails or hair done or taking 30 minutes to go for a walk, find something that you can do for you and make it a priority. That means actually writing it in your calendar and sticking to it!

Do you have a life you love? I’d love to hear about what you do to keep things fresh and exciting. Let me know in the comments below.

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