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Quit stopping before you start

Updated: Sep 29, 2023

Welcome to For Goodness' Saikali - I'm so excited you're here!

This blog has been in the works for many, many years. Like so many, I had to go through a historical journey of them all before I bit the bullet and hit submit to process my credit card payment for this domain and site.

You guys, it was painful...and scary.

Painful, because I got to witness how many times I came close to stepping out of my comfort zone and how many times I let fear win. Scary, because for the first time I was going to tell my comfort zone to FUCK ITSELF.

Anyone else have something like this in their life? Something that keeps creeping in your mind; something you keep feeling compelled to begin but then you start in on that negative cycle of self doubt?

Maybe your fears sound something like mine.

Who is going to read this blog? There are so many other blogs out there that are better than anything I can put together.

I don't have beautiful images that can accompany my content, it's going to look like crap.

Who cares what I have to say? Who am I to put something like this out in the world?

You guys, we have to quit stopping before we start.

There are always going to be people out there who are doing what you're trying to do and they're going to do it better. And that's okay.

But you know what? There is never going to be another person in this world who is going to say it with your experiences and your perspective. By stopping before you start, you are literally robbing the world of your special gifts.

To quote the inspiring Marie Forleo, 'the world needs that special gift that only you have".

Is it going to be easy to do? Hell no. Will it be worth it? You're damn right it will be.

So let me ask you, what have you been dreaming of doing but have been to afraid to start? Tell me about it in the comments below.

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