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What the heck is the 30 Days to Healthy Living Program?

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

As some of you may know on January 6th I'll be embarking on another round of Arbonne's 30 Days to Healthy Living and will be bringing you along in my Facebook group Revolution 30 (if you're not already following along, go join now!).

Maybe you've heard me talk about it and thought,

"What does that even mean?"

"Is it just another diet like Keto?"

"What makes this program "SO AMAZING" and

"Why are you doing another round of it?"

The Basics

Before I dive into the WHY, I'll let you check out this short video which talks about the program, the products and why you should strongly consider checking it out.

So what makes this program SO AMAZING?

As I mentioned, this will be my second round of the program. The first time I started was right before my wedding in September of 2019.

My initial motivation for doing the program last year was to slim down right before I said I do. But after doing it for a couple of weeks, what I learned about myself and my body was so much more valuable than the couple of pounds I was able to shed.

So what did I learn?

What foods serve me

The purpose of the program is to get in tune with your body. The process of limiting the intake of the foods mentioned by Dr. Cook (wheat, gluten, yeast, dairy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, coffee, vinegar and soy) is to first remove them from your diet and then to slowly re-introduce them back to find out which ones cause your body to react.

During my first round, I confirmed that my body had an undesirable reaction to dairy and I completely cut out coffee (yes, you read that right). By confirming the impact that dairy had on my body, I was able to make a conscious choice on whether or not I wanted to continue consuming it (spoiler alert: I do but in WAY smaller quantities).

That I don't need to eat meat

Somewhere out there a vegan is rejoicing (haha) but in all honesty, this was one of the most important truths that I learned while doing the program. Growing up I was constantly told that I needed to eat meat to get the protein required in my diet. By cutting it out for 30 days, I debunked that story I was told.

During the program I never felt like my body was missing something or had any cravings to eat meat. I fueled my body with many different types of foods and supplements which provided me with the protein that I needed (beans, legumes, and even the protein powder which is made with peas).

To step outside of my comfort zone

This was HUGE for me. The 30 Days to Healthy Living is recommended to be done completely vegan, however you can customize it to include animal protein. When I jumped in, I decided that I would do it the way it was truly designed - as a vegan program. On top of deciding to do it vegan, I also decided that I would not change the diet of my husband and step son (who would continue to eat meat).

These two decisions would have me scouring the internet for recipes where I could easily sub out meat so that I didn't have to make multiple meals for my family. You guys - it was not an easy task but I did it!

So why am I doing this program again?

In addition to the amazing lessons I was able to learn about myself in the last round, I have a desire to push myself even further this time around.

One of my goals this year is to step up my fitness routine - heading to my gym every day it is open (6 times per week) and to continue playing soccer one night per week.

The supplements included in this program are second to none. Not only do they provide me with the nutrients needed to keep me feeling full longer, but they also help give me the extra energy to reach the fitness goals I have set for myself.

Not only that but now that I have had one round under my belt, I am aware of the points where I will feel like stopping and will be able to motivate myself to continue on the journey.

And last but not least, the program teaches balance. Once the program ends, it recommends to live an 80/20 lifestyle (which is why I don't consider it a diet). The 80/20 lifestyle means to continue following the program's recommended nutrition plan (eating whole foods and limiting the ones which negatively impact your gut) 80% of the time and indulging the other 20%. This is super important so that you don't feel like you're depriving yourself of a treat every once in a while and it allows you to keep yourself on track. A true win win.


So that's the program and why I'm doing it in a nutshell. I hope that you were able to learn a little bit and hopefully join my group Revolution 30 to follow along with my journey.

If you are interested in jumping in, you can sign up by visiting my online store or reach out and I will walk you through it!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out or comment below.

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